Ordering Options
Ordering Online: As you browse through the Catalogue & you have selected a particular type of swimwear click on that style. It will open up to the description, colour, size, price & ordering page. Once you settle on a particular size & colour you will see Size & Colour selection buttons under the description of the item. Choose your required size & colour then press "Add to Cart" button, this takes you to our Secure Shopping Trolley page where you check your selection to make sure its correct, you can then return to shopping & make further selections or go to Checkout where you enter your details for delivery & payment.
To Order by Phone: Within Australia call 07 55 344 399. Outside Australia call +617 55 344 399. Ordering times are 10am to 4pm Mon - Sat. If outside these times you can leave your name & number & we will return your call as soon as we are available. Have all the items Name, Size & Colour you wish to order & payment details noted down.
To order by Email: 24hrs a day using info@luluswimwear.com.au. Please make sure you include the Items Name, Colour & Size, your Name, Return Address & your Credit Card details (Name on Card, Card Number, Expiry Date, CCV number on back in signature panel) in the email. Also include your contact phone number & time you would be available in case there is a problem with your order otherwise we will use your email Return Address.